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Wildlife pond in the making
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Red Kite
Working To Create Better Habitats

Group: Full Fonster
Joined: Mar 2008
Status: Offline
Wildlife pond in the making

I haven’t posted any photos for some time as I’ve been too busy but decided to start a thread
on my ongoing project of creating a wildlife pond with bog area. It’s around 9m long and 5m wide
at the widest. The ground rises towards the tractor shed, this is the area where I will have the
bog section but due to the rise in land levels will still need to be dug out by around 450mm - 18”.
At the end nearest the house it will have to be dug out to around 1m – 3`. I hope to plant
Bog Bean, Marsh Cinquefoil. Water Avens, Marsh Valarium, Common Reed, Brook Like,
Purple Loosestrife, Marsh Marigold, Meadow Sweet, Wood rush, & various Sedges all of which are in
tubs waiting to be planted. I would also like to bet some Flowering Rush & Burr Reed if I can find any
and get the seed to germinate, not always easy.
[Image: Pond1.jpg]

[Image: Pond2.jpg]

[Image: Pond3.jpg]
Early stages after a heavy rain last summer, the ground falls down to the house & when planting
the Blackthorn hedge which is behind the wire to protect it from rabbits I put a drain under
the hedge to feed the pond.
[Image: Pond4.jpg]

[Image: Pond5.jpg]
After the heavy rains in Feb 08

[Image: Pond6.jpg]

[Image: Pond7.jpg]
The view from my office window
[Image: Pond8.jpg]

[Image: Pond9.jpg]

[Image: Pond10.jpg]
In May I discovered Keith next door was getting a digger in to dig out the base of his new hay shed
so I’ve taken of most of the turf & dug out the larger blocks of concrete, which will become a climbing
area for the lambs when I decide where to put them. The remainder of the spoil will become a raised
mound to the right of the garage going u to the hedge possibly with some trees on it & more wild flowers
& the area between the garage & the hedge will become another r wildlife area which will be inaccessible
to my gourmet sheep who have a liking for most things I don’t want them to eat. I’ll get back to that
thread when we have some rain & more things start to grow.
I’ll update this thread as work proceeds but I don’t expect plants to be settled in till next summer.
Who knows I may have a heron 20` from my office window. Hopefully it will attract a few new birds &
insects such as Grey Wagtails, Warblers, possibly Reed Buntings & Dragonflies & Damselflies.

(This post was last modified: 25-05-08, 08:14 AM by Red Kite.)
24-05-08, 11:07 PM
gardening fonster

Group: FoN Administrator
Joined: Feb 2008
Status: Offline
RE: Wildlife pond in the making

it looks good Dave, you've a lot of work ahead of you there though!

24-05-08, 11:33 PM
RE: Wildlife pond in the making

Oh Wow!!! Looking good!!! Well done you and good luck with the project, I hope you do well with the birds!!!

25-05-08, 06:12 AM
Red Kite
Working To Create Better Habitats

Group: Full Fonster
Joined: Mar 2008
Status: Offline
RE: Wildlife pond in the making

Thanks I love hard graft & just wish I could have a week to 10 days at it without any interuptions, but unfortunatly it will have to be a long term project.

25-05-08, 09:44 AM
RE: Wildlife pond in the making

Dave that is going to be some pond when you have finished it ,lots of hard work ahead but a great project

25-05-08, 01:52 PM
Infrequent visitor!

Group: FoN Super Moderator
Joined: Feb 2008
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RE: Wildlife pond in the making

That's going to be a great place for your local wildlife Dave. Cool1

01-06-08, 03:48 PM


Group: New Fonster
Joined: Apr 2008
Status: Offline
RE: Wildlife pond in the making

Looking good so far Dave, though as Andy said looks like a fair bit of hard work ahead of you!

Will be a wonderful wildlife haven when you're finished though and of course you'll be able to do plenty of wildlife & bird watching from your office window! Smile

Life's a journey not a destination
02-06-08, 08:34 PM
Red Kite
Working To Create Better Habitats

Group: Full Fonster
Joined: Mar 2008
Status: Offline
RE: Wildlife pond in the making

Thanks Ali,
The problem will be will I be able to do any work? Lol the other day I had around 13 different kinds of bird came within 15` to 20` of my office window as it is without the attraction of a pond & bog area.
I'm itching to stop work get out there & dig it all out by hand I'd love to do that, but haven't the time. It's a pity I need to earn an income, though Gill does most of that & works very hard, so it would hardly be fair if I skived off & enjoyed myself. If I thought I could do it in a couple of days I would, but to do it by hand & barrow all the spoil away would take at least a week of hard work, something I'm not afraid of, I just don't have the time between work & other jobs about the place, Gill is working hard with the veg garden when she's not working or doing her mother's garden.

02-06-08, 08:47 PM
RE: Wildlife pond in the making

Dave what a fab job!!!! Are you ever going to get any work done though Wink I'd just want to be wildlife spotting all day around that Smile

02-06-08, 08:56 PM
Red Kite
Working To Create Better Habitats

Group: Full Fonster
Joined: Mar 2008
Status: Offline
RE: Wildlife pond in the making

OK folks these will be my last photos for some time due to pressure of work, home & extended family etc. Smallholding sitting next week Lol I love doing photo threads & will try & do some when I have completed my next 3 Higher Level Schemes.
You & Gill won Andy, I would have loved to have done all the work myself but as you said it would have been a massive task by hand & Gill was embarrassed by my attempts to date. At least now it looks as if we are going somewhere even if it takes 6 months or more to complete.
The size by the way is 30` x 12` at its widest
[Image: P1040784.jpg]

[Image: P1040785.jpg]

[Image: P1040787.jpg]
The JCB getting to work
[Image: Pond001.jpg]
2 hours & £50 later
[Image: Pond002.jpg]
The bog area which I will extend a bit all the surrounding ground levels need the soil taking from under the grass & tapering down. I already have Purple Loosestrife, Ragged Robin, Bog Bean, Brook Lime, Marsh Valarium, Sedges Wood Rush, Early Marsh & Common Spotted Orchids Water Parsley & Flag Iris amongst other things waiting to go in & want to get some Common Reed I love the large purple flower heads though like the Iris & Bog Bean they will take some management.
[Image: Pond003.jpg]
The deeper area where I will have clear water & hopefully attract Dragonfly & Darters. This will need a little more digging out but I aim for around 1m at the deepest.
[Image: Pond007.jpg]
The view from my office window
[Image: Pond008.jpg]

[Image: Pond009.jpg]
The 1st visitor, not quite a pond animal but made his day easy collecting worms they have had it hard this year.

(This post was last modified: 08-07-08, 02:01 PM by Red Kite.)
08-07-08, 01:36 PM
Red Kite
Working To Create Better Habitats

Group: Full Fonster
Joined: Mar 2008
Status: Offline
RE: Wildlife pond in the making

[Image: P1040803.jpg]
Then the rain came, we had cut an old horseshoe drain, ( a clay tile n shaped which was used to drain fields around 150 years ago the 1st ones coming from bending clay roofing tiles over your leg to form a channel for water). I blocked the down side of the drain so water stayed in the pond it will be interesting to see what level it settles at but ultimately I will have to clear the drain that lets the water away & put in a liner.
[Image: P1040805.jpg]
The extent of the wetland/pond/wildlife area in front of my office window. The Blackthorn hedge between my Rav & the pond is rabbit fenced until it becomes established & the whole area will be totally sealed from children.
[Image: P1040807.jpg]
More rain & the level rises, at present it has settled at this level which is around 2` lower than I want it. Can any one spot the GSW?
[Image: P1040795.jpg]
A big Bird Bath bags I first go!!
[Image: P1040796.jpg]
Must wash under all the feathers.
[Image: P1040798.jpg]
OK anyone take me for a duck & fancy throwing me a crust?
Don’t be soft I know its pouring down but am I worried? Come on with that crust I’m going to start to get wet if I stay here much longer!
[Image: P1040815.jpg]

[Image: P1040816.jpg]
OK not the pond but a new visitor attracted by the flies, a Garden Warbler? Any help welcome it wouldn’t sit still for more than a few seconds & had the cheek to land 3` in front of me & look in through my window for a couple of seconds.
Right back to Computer My photo threads & input to others will return I just don't know when.

08-07-08, 01:42 PM
RE: Wildlife pond in the making

Great photos, Dave. Look forward to the updates as you go along. Cool1

08-07-08, 01:55 PM
Falco diverse

Group: Full Fonster
Joined: Mar 2008
Status: Away
RE: Wildlife pond in the making

Looks great Dave, hope it gets all the wildlife you want for all of that work!!. Cool1

Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget....
08-07-08, 02:06 PM
Chicken Mad Moderator

Group: FoN Moderator
Joined: Jun 2008
Status: Away
RE: Wildlife pond in the making

Well done Dave
I can imagine how frustrating it is not being able to get on with it. I am looking forward to updates and eventually the finished article! It is sooooo good to see you here again.
Chris x

Home is where my heart is.
08-07-08, 03:25 PM

Group: Full Fonster
Joined: Jun 2008
Status: Offline
RE: Wildlife pond in the making

Exellent photos Dave.. Cool1
Oh how i would love a pond like that in my garden, i bet it will look exellent when its finshed.
By the way i may be wrong but your Garden Warbler looks like a Whitethroat to me..

I am not mad!!, i only waited 10 minuates under that tree to see if the Chaffinch would reveal himself, yea ok he did and flew off before i got a photo.. PARRRP!!!
08-07-08, 06:52 PM

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