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Wildlife pond in the making - Printable Version

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RE: Wildlife pond in the making - Red Kite - 18-05-10

Now the exciting bit!
[Image: PondLife010.jpg]

[Image: PondLife012.jpg]
OK it's just a Newt but I'm chuffed it was sunning itself on the bottom which was only 6" down instead of the 3` that it should be.
Rabbits are now a nuisance eating some Jointed Rush & sampling Greater Spearwort, my latest additions along with Round leaved Water Crowfoot & some Common Reed. The Magpie paddled the Crowfoot but hopefully it will survive we really need some rain to bring the levels up a couple of foot the Bog Bean is about to flower but the Marsh Cinquefoil is looking a bit sad, I think it needs some peat, the clay it's on & being largely above water won't suit it. Still a good day Cool1 Computer Doh1 not as much as I should.

RE: Wildlife pond in the making - Toadletfan - 18-05-10

Brilliant news and what do you mean 'just a newt'? Thats a major addition to the fauna Giggle - looks like a female palmate but I need a belly shot to be sure..

RE: Wildlife pond in the making - bramble1 - 18-05-10

brilliant Dave,i would've been excited too,great photos

RE: Wildlife pond in the making - Red Kite - 18-05-10

Lol I thought that might get you going Toadle, I don't think I'll be able to catch her to take a photo for you though.
I'm well chuffed, thanks both for your shared enthusiasm

RE: Wildlife pond in the making - granheather - 18-05-10

I have just had the pleasure of reading this wonderful thread from the beginning. Thanks Dave!

What a difference from the start, really enjoyed all the plants and the ducks Girlygiggle

You must be well chuffed with the newts Cool1

add one new follower to this thread Rabbit1

RE: Wildlife pond in the making - Nightingale Song - 18-05-10

So glad it's going so well Dave! Take a bow!

RE: Wildlife pond in the making - sandsniper - 19-05-10

Dave a great thread,i've not looked in for a while ,it's lovely to see the pond 'coming to life' love the newt and the tadpoles, we had two small ponds in my dad's pen or allotment as some of you call them.One of them had 'taddies' every year and we loved watching them change.Brilliant threadLol

RE: Wildlife pond in the making - hovekathyj - 15-07-10

You have just gained another follower - just read through from the beginning. What a bonus finding you have a resident newt. Hope this is just the beginning of some amazing pondlife (meant in a good way not a bad way).

RE: Wildlife pond in the making - granheather - 15-07-10

Darn I thought we had an update Lol

RE: Wildlife pond in the making - Red Kite - 15-07-10

granheather Wrote:Darn I thought we had an update Lol

Sorry Heather will do just for you, Flowers

I've a client just paid me BEFORE I have finished his work 1 1/2 days work to do so I must press on with that, I've so many photos I don't know which to post & Photo Bucket takes so long especially trying to get photos in the right order, but I'll get something posted ASAP.
Update minus photos the pond was reduced to mud for 12 hrs then it rained & my 3 water collections kicked in , first 3" water then 5" water now 15", I can't see my Round Leaved Water Crowfoot & bucket with some Woody Nightshade moved out of Sian's way is now under water.

RE: Wildlife pond in the making - Red Kite - 31-07-10

At last I'm ready to post photos I've been trying to pull together of our pond over the summer months.

[Image: PondLife068.jpg]
Hawker lava Toady?
[Image: PondLife075.jpg]
Whirligig & Pond Skater
[Image: PondLife030.jpg]
Pond Skater
[Image: DryPondflowersetc30610015.jpg]
Diving Beetle in the middle of the photo, difficult to catch them on the surface unless I waited a long time & was fast.
[Image: Owls012.jpg]
Robin one of a few birds that used my canes for Hawker & Damsel Fly Lava as vantage points to watch for insects on the receding water margins.
[Image: Owls009.jpg]
House Martins gathering mud while they can
[Image: Changeswhilepossible005.jpg]
A few changes were made while water levels dropped to provide cover for invertebrates if the ducks return. Here an 18” sandstone flag set into the clay bank & on two sizable cobbles.
[Image: Changeswhilepossible008.jpg]
A 9” diameter 15” long field drain set into the bank so that it looks like a drain entering the pond, for the same reason as the sandstone flag but a bit deeper.

RE: Wildlife pond in the making - Red Kite - 31-07-10

[Image: DryPondflowersetc30610008.jpg]

[Image: DryPondflowersetc30610004.jpg]

[Image: Owls001.jpg]

[Image: Owls002.jpg]

[Image: Pondnearlydry5thJune003.jpg]

[Image: DryPondflowersetc30610002.jpg]
Water levels continued to drop till for a period of 12 hours there was just mud.
I put 2 water collection systems in place to go with the system from the house roof to make the most of any rain that fell, photos later

While the pond levels were so low I took the opportunity to take photos of some of the plans around it & beyond in my wild flower area which will take a couple of years to establish if the rabbits will leave it alone.
[Image: Foxes20610002.jpg]
Flag Iris
[Image: FlagIrisAngelica.jpg]
Angelica which was eaten by rabbits.

RE: Wildlife pond in the making - Red Kite - 31-07-10

[Image: BogBean.jpg]
Bog Bean which will spread across the surface of the shallower water if we can have a spell where the pond is reasonably full at the right time.
[Image: Brooklime-1.jpg]
Brooklime, nice in salads & very easy to grow on any damp ground or path from a short stem put in water till it roots.
[Image: WoodyNightshade2.jpg]
Woody Nightshade, I’ve not decided where to put this as I’ve seen it covering an area 15`x 10` to a depth of 18”, but I love the purple flowers & translucent red fruit.
[Image: MarshCinquefoilBogBean.jpg]
Marsh Cinquefoil struggling with the lack of water with Bog Bean after it has flowered to its right
[Image: JointedRush.jpg]
Jointed Rush grazed by rabbits but still there
[Image: GreaterSpearwort.jpg]
Greater Spearwort, flower heads eaten by rabbits together with Marsh Bedstraw, which will have a nice tiny white flower once established
[Image: WaterParsley.jpg]
Wild Water Cress
[Image: RoundLeavedWaterCrowfoot.jpg]
Round leaved Water Crow Foot, it was struggling with being too dry & is now under 12” of water, it’s a marginal plant, so I’ll see how it survives.

RE: Wildlife pond in the making - Red Kite - 31-07-10

[Image: WaterMintWoodVetch.jpg]
Water Mint & wood Vetch

[Image: CommonReed.jpg]
I love Common Reed, this is only 1` x 1` & 3` high hopefully it will spread but not too much & grow to 8` next year
[Image: Devils-bitScabious.jpg]
Beyond the pond Devils-Bit Scabious , taken a couple of months ago now about 2 weeks from flowering if the rabbits will leave it alone.
[Image: MeadowSweetKnapweed.jpg]
Meadow Sweet & Knapweed, the rabbits took out one flower but then left the rest.
[Image: Teasel.jpg]
Teasel , 2 plants now about to flower but only 2` high hopefully next year 6` & good food for finches, I hadn't noticed till now but it looks as if the rabbits have been at this as well
[Image: WildFlowers2710011.jpg]
Fox & Cubs
[Image: Owls004.jpg]
Yellow Rattle a parasitic plant that lives off grass stems so should keep the grass down giving more space for wild flowers.
[Image: YellowRattleVandalised.jpg]
Yellow Rattle after the rabbits got at it, I’ve collected hundreds of seeds from a field I was in so hopefully I’ll get lots next year & have the area rabbit proof.

RE: Wildlife pond in the making - Red Kite - 31-07-10

[Image: MelanchollyThistle.jpg]
Melancholy Thistle just before the rabbits bit the flower head off, it flowered beautifully on the kitchen windowsill & I have a large clump in the back garden & a good sized clump which will flower beside my pond next year.

[Image: OxeyeDaisy.jpg]
Oxeye Daisy again a victim of the rabbits
[Image: RabbitatBirdFeeder001.jpg]
One of the vandals in question eyeing up a bird feeder, I had to lift it by 1` as they were reaching up hitting it & eating the fallen seed.
[Image: RedCampion.jpg]
Red Campion, should have been posted earlier as it flowered some time ago, though it’s still flowering in the lane, It should spread well. The other clump of Melancholy Thistle is just beyond it.
[Image: FieldScabious.jpg]
Field Scabious flowering beautifully in the garden I’m not sure if I can blame the rabbits for this or it needs time to settle in, we’ll see
[Image: DryPondflowersetc30610006-1.jpg]

[Image: DryPondflowersetc30610007-1.jpg]

[Image: DryPondflowersetc30610017-1.jpg]
Water collection system